Leave a gift in your Will to the Western Locomotive Association Ltd and your legacy will be helping to continue the legacy of our Westerns, for future generations to enjoy!
To download our WLA Legacy Guide, please CLICK HERE!
A gift in your Will would provide valuable help to provide the financial resources to preserve D1048 Western Lady, whilst maintaining and operating both D1013 Western Ranger and D1062 Western Courier. Indeed, any gift, large or small makes a huge difference to the WLA and is always much appreciated by the volunteers who manage the Association, those who work on the locomotives and of course, those who enjoy the sight and sound of a working Western!
Making a bequest in a Will is a tax efficient method of giving, as it is free of inheritance tax and can greatly benefit the process of estate planning. There are several ways in which a legacy donation can be made, and the following are examples of the wording that could be used:
General Purposes Requests - Example wording
Residuary gift
Subject to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give the whole / _ % of my estate not otherwise disposed of by this my Will to the Western Locomotive Association Ltd (WLA) of 5, Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, England DE24 8HG, a Registered Charity No. 1115058, for the general purposes of the WLA and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.
Pecuniary gift
I give free of tax to the Western Locomotive Association Ltd (WLA) of 5, Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, England DE24 8HG, a Registered Charity No. 1115058, the sum of £__ for the general purposes of the WLA and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.
To download our WLA Legacy Guide, please CLICK HERE!
Bequests of a Specific Item or Collection - Example Wording
I give free of tax to the Western Locomotive Association Ltd (WLA) of 5, Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, England DE24 8HG, a Registered Charity No. 1115058, the…………………………………(insert specific items) and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.
NB. In such instances there may be a cost involved in transporting item(s) in question to the Severn Valley Railway, where the WLA is based and it is suggested that additional wording is added:
“and I authorise my executors to pay the expenses of transporting the said…………………………. (insert specific items) to the Severn Valley Railway from my estate”.
Additional wording to be considered
"If at my death the above charity has amalgamated with another charity my Executors shall pay its share to the amalgamated charity."
How you can have your very own WESTERN MEMORIAL...!
Did you know that for any legacy left to the WLA you can choose how you would like to be remembered? This might be from one (or more) of the following:
Please state which of the above of the above you would prefer in your Will and please state:
“and I authorise my Executors to pay the expenses of …………………………. (insert one or more of the above)
Our Western Memorial Headboard...!
One of our Working Members has produced this stunning full size replica Western Memorial headboard for use on these trains:
Need further information?
Simply Contact Us and we'll be pleased to help!
To download our WLA Legacy Guide, please CLICK HERE!
NB. We strongly advise that you to consult your legal advisor before drafting a new Will, or updating an existing one.
The WESTERN LOCOMOTIVE ASSOCIATION is a company limited by guarantee - Registered No: 3873466
Registered Address: 5, Prospect Place, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, England DE24 8HG. Charity No. 1115058