This Membership Gift option is for the one-off purchase for Adult Life Membership of the WLA. Once you have chosen and paid for the Membership Gift, we will send you a code plus instructions for you to pass on to the person receiving the gift. For alternative Membership Gift options, please return to the Online Store.
Should you have any problem with the Membership or submitting payment, please make a note of the problem (including any error message and time), and send details to:
The Western Locomotive Association was founded in 1974 and incorporated in 1999. To join the Association, this membership application form must be completed and signed before being submitted with the appropriate fee to the Membership Secretary. This provides the WLA with all the information required by the Companies Act. It is kept in written format so as to be readily available by the registrar. It will not be otherwise disclosed or used for other than WLA business without your authority. This form includes your guarantee to contribute £1.00 to the WLA in the event of it being wound up. This guarantee continues for a period of 12 months after ceasing to be a member.
Data Protection Act
Members names, addresses and email details are held on a computer. This information is only used for WLA administration purposes. If you have any objection to this, please advise the membership secretary.
Gift Aid
The Inland Revenue will help us if you are a UK taxpayer and pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax we reclaim. We can gain an additional 25 pence for every pound that you pay both in membership fees and donations provided that you sign the following declaration. You can cancel this declaration at any time should you wish or your circumstances change and you become a non-taxpayer.
Purchaser Information
Please note that when purchasing Membership Gift, you must be logged-in with your User Account (a User Account can be created if you don't have one, when checking out).